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A little more about me...

How I got started:

Welcome to my website and taking your time to see the world through my lens. I have been interested in photography since about 2010. I really got hooked on sports photography by taking pictures of my 2 girls during their sports days. It started out in softball and transitioned into volleyball during their middle school and high school years. I loved watching the game or match through the lens on a camera and the thrill of hearing the shutter open and close at just the right time to freeze the action. To look at the back of the camera after a shot and see the softball coming off the bat or the volleyball compressed against the open hand of the hitter. However, our kids grow up and unless I wanted to just take pictures of any sporting event in which I knew not the participants, a transition to a different genre of photography was inevitable.


How my work is evolving:

During this time, I have been fortunate enough to travel to some pretty picturesque areas around the world. This really got me into landscape photography and documenting the places I have been blessed to see. A different sort of rush from freezing the action is to chase the light to make a good image... a great image. Or to capture a section of time in a long exposure shot that paints an image on our brain like opening and closing our eyes creates a storybook of life passing before us. I think I have captured a few of those moments but the hunt continues as I hone my skills and pursue my passions. However, the best part of landscape photography is the solitude of being out in nature and in God’s masterful creation. There are so many places I want to visit and see. Hopefully, along the way, I will chase the light and produce an image of that moment in time that not only moves me but will move others.  We are only on this earth a short time, we should all rejoice and be glad in it. 

My other interests:

In addition to photography, I have become fascinated with woodworking. To create something with your hands for yourself or others is just another outlet for creativity.  There will be a couple of pages on my site dedicated to this part of my craft. It is something really new to me so bear with me as I learn... which honestly should be the entire time we are placed on this earth. We should always be learning something new. It keeps us engaged and excited about life. Without learning and exploring new adventures or ventures in our lives, we run the risk of becoming stale and fading away. That is not God’s plan for us.  Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” If we are promised hope and a future, that is achieved through learning and new adventures in our lives. So I encourage all who read this to explore something new in their lives. 

Work that inspires me:

Part of the learning process is to follow other's work that speaks to you. I have found a few of those individuals. Some of these I know personally and would consider them friends and some I just follow on social media or learn from them from their YouTube contributions. Here are the links to their websites. On their websites, you can explore their links to their social media pages.  They are great photographers with their own unique views on life which come through in their images and they are always willing to help others. While you’re at it, explore some of their workshops. It’s a great experience and well worth the investment. 





Rad A.




The name:

Finally, about my name...  I have always enjoyed being the one taking the photos and not being in them. Being in the shot is just not my thing. So whether I have heard this somewhere or I am the one that made it up... I’ll never really know. My photos are always better if I am on the right side of the camera. Which happens to be when I am behind it.

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